Nov 27, 2013

Chapter 11: Revival - another suffering

It was so painful.

I felt as if my body was shattered to pieces, and my blood was boiling.

The pain went through my body like a snake wrapped itself around me.

Like a thousand of needles piercing, like a rain of swords pouring on me.

However, there was something else, something hurt even more .

It was powerless.

couldn't do anything but watched.

I wanted to protect her, but all I could do was getting hit and dying.

I remembered there was something I read in a book before.

“The fear cut deeper than the sword.”

didn't want to die yet, not when I still couldn't figure out my purpose.
didn't want to die yet.
I was afraid.
Softly, eyes opened.

So this is it I guessed.

Around me, I saw piles of books.

I had died and now I was in heaven. It must be paradise, because there were so many books. Just like I had ever dreamt of. All alone, surrounded by books. I would spend the eternity here.

Even though I had my regrets, but with these I guessed it couldn't be helped.

But there was a problem.

I found myself lying, and couldn't move a muscle.
If it was paradise, then I supposed to be all heal up and freely running, but I couldn't do a thing.
I tried to raise my arm, but even that seemed to be too difficult.
My arms were heavy as if they were tied to a mountain.

“Hah...” I tried to look around, but even turning my head was a nearly impossible task.

So this was not heaven at all.
My foul soul was sent to hell, where my redemption begun, started with staring at the books which I couldn't 
reach to.

What a cruel torture, now I would have to experienced the feeling of powerlessness for eternity.

I closed my eyes, thinking back at my short, meaningless life.
That’s strange. Hated my life as I did, now when it left me, I felt…regretful.

“If only, I could live for a little longer.” I murmured.

“You are not death yet.” I heard a voice.

Tried my best to turn, I saw an angel.
An angel with the most beautiful face, just like hers.
Hers. Wait a minute. Wasn't that…Thera?
Could it be both she and I die and now we share the same place in nether world?
Then I would call anywhere heaven if I could she her there.

“Stop dreaming, you are still alive, try to look around.” She said.

“It was too good to be true after all.” I frowned, realized that we both survived.

From what I could see, we were in a big room, and plenty of books around.

“What happened? where…are we?” I asked

Thera looked concerned, probably about the previous incident.

“Last night, when you were stroke down, they were going to capture me, then…someone showed up and rescued both of us.” She said, looking at the windows.

Could it be briefer?

“huh…And this place belongs to that someone right?” I tried to get up, but it was impossible

“I do not know. I was unconscious halfway.” She talked blankly.

Damn, this was too much information for someone as clueless as I was. If only….

Then I remembered an important thing.

He wasn't there, no, to be precise I couldn't hear his voice any more. I called out to him, but no answer.
What happened? Could it be…
No, there was no way he would just disappear like that. That’s right, he was also recovering like I was. I should give him more time…If that was all he needed.

“You should thank your soul. He took the hit for you.” Then I heard Thera’s voice.

“Uhmm, sorry?” I couldn't comprehend what she just said.

The look on Thera’s face told me that she didn't want to speak any more. She returned to her silent mode. But what did she mean by that? He took the hit? How was that possible?
Again, my line of thought was interrupt again, but this time it was more…severe.

“Rise and shineeeee.” An energetic voice, definitely from an energetic person. I thought I heard this voice before.

That was when I saw someone familiar.

“ Books madam ?” That’s how I normally called her when I came to her shop. She didn't like to be called ‘madam’, but I was too surprise to remember that little fact.

But before I had the confirmation, I received a dreadful glance, and a threatening voice.

“Dear me, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me madam? I'm just 23 you know. Calling me that make me feel I'm going to die soon, do you want to die soon?” Yup, she was definitely not happy with that.

I'm sorry, m…iss.” She could be very scary sometimes.

Bookshop owner, she told her name was Ibel, was a young girl, somehow childish if I must say. Not only from the look, but she was young at heart. For a business owner to be this cheerful and somehow, mindless, could be quite extraordinary to keep it up for a long time. She had a slim figure, but looked very fit. Probably because she had to do things on her own. She always wore a black shirt with long sleeves, and a pair of jeans, no matter the weather. However, although her shop was located on a residential area, there weren't many customers. I hardly saw any other person than me when I came to buy books, and that crept me out sometimes. I guessed due to her changeable personality that people couldn't stand her for too long. She even went as far as judging the person by the books they bought, which I’d been through one. For me it was quite unpleasant but still bearable, but I wasn't sure about others. After all she’s still nice, if you knew how to deal with her.

“You should be.” She said, “and how is your chest now? Still hurt?”

“Still, even turning hurts.” I thoughtlessly answered.

“I see, that’s what you get from that guy.” She had a serious look in her eyes.

“Hold on a minute, how did I end up here? And why are you here? And who…” There were so many question I wanted to ask, but she stopped me.

“Calm your horse, don’t overwork yourself. You will have everything explain to you soon. Now the most important thing is for him to recover, which depends a lot on you.”  Him? Could she mean…

Notice my expression, she continued.
“Yes, who else do you think I'm talking about? If it was not for him, you could have been long gone. I believe young miss told you already.”

 “She did, but what do you mean? How could he take the hit for me? He’s just…”

“Just a soul? So you are completely clueless aren't you? Lie down please, and drink this.” She gave me a strange liquid which had kinda…indescribable smell.

“Yuck, is this thing supposed to heal us?” I asked.

“No, it gives you a horrible and painful death.” She glared.

Huh, pardon?” 

“Of course it’s good for you, now would you stop being such a child and drink up?” She had the point.
“Right, what else could it be, you save us after all.” I drank the liquid and…I felt it again.

The unbearable pain was coming back. The mug broken to pieces as it slipped through my hand. My throat was burning, and inside I felt…
“Arrghh, what is it? I thought…” I tried my best to speak. Now my hearing started to go numb.

“Don’t worry, if you *** *** through, you will *** ***, or else, you both ***.” I thought she said something, but I heard no sounds, shadow was gradually surrounding me.

I glanced at the place where Thera was, and she was my last vision before everything turned into complete  darkness. I screamed, not even knowing if my voice could be heard or not. But this pain was too much. My stomach was hot, and my head was like being chopped by axe. I should fell happy that I couldn't fell my limbs, so at least I wouldn't go through any more pains. The worst part was, why was I still conscious? Wouldn't it be better if I fainted? Or this was how the medicine worked? What did she said back then, I couldn't even remember now. ARRRGGGHHHHH, I shout in my mind. If I had my arms and legs at the moment, I guessed they were swinging violently.


Ibel looked at Kai as he laid motionlessly in the bed. Poor boy, she thought, guess it’s a bit too hard for him. Then she turned to Thera.

“Now it is only two of us, I think it’s time for you to tell your story. Who are you?”

Thera remained silent.
“I heard they called you ‘divine one’, but that just make no sense, since divine spirits had disappeared for very long time, there’s no way you…”

“What if I am?” Thera broke her silence.

A drop of sweat ran down Ibel’s forehead. Then she smirked.

I'm listening.”
The two sat facing each other, tension was in the air.

-End chapter 11-

Chapter 10
Chapter 12

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