Took me a while to start writing again. I know it's been a looooooong time since the lastest post. But it's not like I have given up on the project. See the adjustments I've made to the blog? See the new tab? Took me a whole afternoon to figure out how to make them.
Truth is, I've been struggling with the ideas for chapter 18 of the Kaithera project, I have it half-baked in my computer right now but I don't feel like it'll do anygood. I thought that maybe I'm too old to write fantasy stuff and shit. So on the spurt of moments, I thought of writing something new, something I feel like I can write carefully. It doesn't mean that I started out the Kaithera work spontaneously (well actually it was, 6 out of 10), and it also doesn't mean that I have decided to abadon it. Nope, just got stuck and all.
You see the new tab, right? Just like before, coming up with names is my disability, so I temporarily named it Project Blind, as how I am blindingly writing those hoping for some recognition, funny isn't it? But worry not, since I just write what I feel, and what I think I should. And originally, I don't expect plenty of views and comments from readers, but if I have one, that would be pretty nice. In fact, any writers would expect that, am I right?
On other note, I should seriously consider writing in my first language, since my English just getting worse. Besides, isn't it orthodox to write in your own language? since it helps you to express your thought easier than a foreign one. The thing is, I feel embarassed when I write in my first language (lol), wonder why. But if I keep on going on this road, then I must cast aside those minor problems at some point, like a small sacrifice, right?
Last words, just to make sure that this blog is not dead yet. I'll keep on writing and uploading whenever possible, but don't look forward to it. As I said in a note before, the release date would be like constipation (disgusting, I know.), so bear with it. And about the newly found project, I will have the opening note for it soon, and by soon I mean next month, next quarter, or even next year, whenever I feel like it.
Second last words, looks like I have a disorder called Schizoid personality disorder, no wonder I feel so meh about everything.
That's all folks, have fun.
From Kai with meh.